I've begun my poetry unit for my seventh grade Language Arts class, and is customary in my class for the past few years, I've begun reading aloud Poetry Matters: Writing from the Inside Out by Ralph Fletcher. And, I must confess - to you the public but never with my husband - that I am love all over again!
I bumped into Ralph's work quite simply by mistake. I presented at a Reading Conference several years back, and in the vendor hall, I found a collection of books geared toward students at the middle level. They looked interesting, they were about writing, and they looked like an easy read for my students. I was excited and during my summer break I cracked the spines on these books (Poetry Matters: Writing from the Inside Out, A Writer's Notebook: Unlocking the Writer Within, Live Writing: Breathing Life Into Your Words, and How Writers Work: Finding a Process That Works for You.). I was hooked. I couldn't wait to call my English colleague and tell her about this amazing man I'd met.
To my surprise, she told me all about her encounter with Ralph Fletcher too through the National Writing Project Action Project. I thought, "This man must be good if we both have discovered him and we're both in awe!" And I was right.
Right away I started the year by reading aloud, chapter by chapter A Writer's Notebook to my students. We explored each of the writer's notebook entries and once they had a good handle on them, when I gave them an opportunity to write whatever they wished (several times a week), if they couldn't think of anything I encouraged them to open this tool box of ideas. And many of them did. Their favorite strategy? Lists! Lists of boyfriends, girlfriends, songs, movies, and quite literally this list goes on and on. They also like to write about fierce wonderings. I think some kids would naturally write about these things but for those kids who really are stuck about what to write, this was the perfect solution for them.
I love reading Ralph's stories to the students. They sit patiently as I read the chapter aloud to them (and yes, at seventh grade they still enjoy this!) and they are captivated by the sweet way Ralph uses his words to captivate his audience and get them right in the ol' ticker.
Recently I picked up his book called How to Write Your Life Story. I can't wait to get a few moments when I can finish this and find a way to incorporate it into my teaching next year. If you haven't had the opportunity to meet Ralph yet, I encourage you to do this right away. It will revolutionize the way you teach writing. What a Writer Needs is a must for every English teacher. It will also change how your students view writing. I can't promise everyone will be terrific writers, but I can promise you that there will no longer be fear associated with it.
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